Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why women need Sex

Sex Tips For Men - Why Women Need Foreplay in Order to Orgasm

A lot of men want to skip out on foreplay because it is boring to them. They want to get to the main event so they typically take the cheap way out to get there. You might rub your girl's clitoris for a little bit but that isn't going to give her the kind of foreplay that she is craving. If you want to give a woman an orgasm, then you need to learn why women need foreplay in order to orgasm.
Foreplay is important to a woman because this is how she prepares for pleasure For a lot of women, foreplay is the only way that they can orgasm. They need that time to get ready for stimulation and to get aroused mentally.
The mental stimulation is the most important part of foreplay. You have to get her in the right frame of mind and get her thinking about sex. Women are very distracted and this is something that you have to be aware of. You have to get her in the right frame of mind with foreplay or you won't give her pleasure.
In order to give her some foreplay, there are some things that you can do. You can even start foreplay before you hit the bedroom. You can do this with simple text messages that might get a little dirty and get her a little riled up. Once she does see you, she is going to want to unleash on you and that is how you get foreplay started.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Finding Scholarships For Women in 2010

Question: Did you do your research?

Research is the most important step you can take action in seeking grants and scholarships. Exhibitions come and go, and subsidies may be running out ... but let this not discourage.

What is available in the year 2009 may not be available in the year 2010, but if you take the time to investigate and then ... find the money you need to achieve what you want. Your future is what you are doing it ... and if you want a job with better salary, better performance and a better life for yourself, then your time in looking for aid and scholarships that will enable you to get your diploma.

Why do you want a diploma?

Every person has different reasons for the title. Some want so they can get better jobs or improve their lifestyle. Others just want the performance of learning and self improvement.

For me, I'm in the process of divorce when I knew I would need a degree for jobs that paid enough for me to get myself. In 2008 I returned to school and pay what I qualify for a scholarship.

Every year I apply for new grants and scholarships, and used that money to cover tuition fees and living expenses to compensate. In 2010 I received my Bachelors Degree in Business Administration.

I found the new grants and scholarships every year, because I needed a way to offset my costs. I have been working towards my studies because I want more money and better life for myself and my children.

You must decide what motivates you to earn your degree and once you know what the motivation ... You use it you focus on finding scholarships can help you get your diploma.

When I first started looking for scholarships, I have spent much time looking for scholarships, I could qualify for ... My back really hurt from sitting at the computer to search the Internet for so long. At the time 2010 arrived, it took me about three minutes into the show that I must finish my studies to search.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ramadan 2010

Ramadan is an important month for all Muslims. It is considered a gift from Allah (S.W.T) to all Muslims. This month is meant to teach Muslims patience, tolerance and modesty. Ramadan is a month for spiritual teaching during which all Muslims pray and fast for Allah. The significance of the month of Ramadan for Muslims is great because during this month Muslims pray for guidance to follow the right path, refrain from sins, devils temptations, any evil thoughts or deeds and to purify themselves by praying, doing good deeds and restraining themselves against any evil thoughts or actions.
Ramadan holds great significance in a Muslims life. It is during this month that the holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). During this month, Muslims praying, fasting and abstaining from evil deeds and thoughts are rewarded 70 times more than the usual prayers.
The Month of Ramadan brings all Muslims together. People come together to pray, fast and at sunset break their fast together regardless of their level in society. All worldly things are put aside and Muslims do a lot of charity during Ramadan. It is also during Ramadan that Muslims give charity in the form of Zakat to people in need.
Fasting is the most important aspect of Ramadan. Muslims all over the world get up before sunrise to do Sehri, a meal that signifies the starting of their fast. After sehri, Muslims start their fast by praying Fajr, the first prayer of the day. They continue to refrain from eating and drinking till sunset when they perform the forth prayer of the day, Maghrib. In Ramadan, muslims break their fast by eating date and drinking water at a meal called Iftar.
The purpose of Ramadan is to keep Muslims away from worldly thoughts and activities and direct them more towards worshiping, learning the difference between right and wrong and also to learn tolerance to stay away from all evil thoughts and deeds, to develop patience. It helps to gain self discipline, self control, sacrifice and empathize with those who are less fortunate by doing charity in the form of Zakat and showing generosity.
All Muslims who are healthy, and have no illness and disabilities are required to fast during Ramadan. Elderly, people with serious illness or disability are exempted from fasting, though they are required to feed poor in place of missed fasting. Pregnant women, nursing women, people travelling far and also exempted given the same condition that they feed the poor or make up for their fasts after the month of Ramadan has also ended. Children are not required to fast. People are required to fast once they become Islamic adults. According to a well known hadith, people who observe Ramadan properly have their sins forgiven. The gates of hell are closed during the holy month of Ramadan and satan is locked up. Reciting the Quran is also an important part of Ramadan along with praying and fasting.
The End of Ramadan is marked by celebration in the form of Eid, after the new moon has been sighted. There is a special celebration on Eid ul Fitr, which marks the ending of Ramadan and is also known as festival of breaking fasts. People wear new clothes and offer special Eid Prayers in the morning to mark the ending of the holy month of Ramadan. As part of the celebration people exchange gifts with their friends and family.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Young Women ... Smoking

Young Women - The Dangers of Smoking
There is a serious rise in young women becoming smokers, more so than young men! My daughter became a smoker at a young age, what age, I suppose I'll never find out! She has now stopped and I am so thankful.
It is worrying that women become addicted to nicotine even if they smoke less or even smoke cigarettes with lower nicotine content and inhale less deeply.
The following are some of the problems associated with the dangers of young women smokers:
  • Nicotine leads to greater lung function impairment for young women, and it is far more difficult for them to quit smoking.
  • Smoking can interfere with normal menstruation and increasing the risk of pain and other irregularities.
  • Women smokers will have more headaches, neck and stomach aches, shoulder pain, nausea, nervousness, restlessness and sleep problems compared to non-smokers.
  • Heavy smoking has a depressive effect on the central nervous system which explains that anti-depressants help with nicotine addiction.
  • Short of breath and wheezing when taking part in sports activities is apparent.
The above are but a few of the problems that may be caused by young women smoking. I omitted lung cancer as it doesn't seem to be a problem to a smoker's way of thinking (I am immune! It won't happen to me!)
Smoking and lung cancer go hand in hand particularly for those who start in early adolescence and is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women. During puberty and early adolescence young women are particularly sensitive to carcinogens.
Many girls report that they smoked their first cigarette before aged 13 and may suffer as a consequence from mood swings, hyperactivity, insecurity and interpersonal demands of young adulthood.
Smoking may even increase the risk to use drugs or lead on to substance abuse. Once addicted to nicotine the path has been eased for other addictions, and there are many of them on offer to young women.
Girls that smoke are generally less well behaved and are more susceptible to peer pressure and rejection. This could ultimately lead on to a more deviant group of peers. As a parent, I have experienced this sort of behaviour and it is not an experience I would like seen repeated.
Smoking may depress the appetite and in turn will affect the overall well-being of the smoker. It is said that girls who smoke eat less dairy products, fruit and vegetables but are inclined to eat more fast foods containing high-saturated fats. Couple that with an inclination to do less sports and exercise and you have an early recipe for bad health and even obesity.
It is known that the tolerance to nicotine and alcohol is lower in young women and are, therefore, more susceptible to the affects of them.
There's no easy way to help young women and girls to quit smoking or, in fact, for anyone to quit smoking. You will always get the stock answers from a smoker: It helps me relax, I'm not addicted, all my friends smoke, my great granny smokes!!
There are ways to help yourself and others to quit smoking, some really effective and some not. Smoking is an addiction and needs to be accepted and treated as such.

Jobs For Women 2010 and Beyond

Jobs For Women 2010 and Beyond
My mother never had the chance to go college. She had quite a few things that she had to take care of in her business that she was running, and plus she had me and my two brothers. I sometimes sit down and think how many more mothers are not going to school because they think they cannot afford it.
The educational outlook over the next five years for jobs that women are able to excel in is great. By the year 2016 we are expecting an increase in how many women are going to college, not only graduating but heading towards a masters and a professional degree. I think this is excellent and I think more women should go to school and try to get scholarships for single mothers returning to school programs to help them.
The list of jobs that women can get qualified after college are:
1. Magazine Editor - many women major in journalism to get this job.
2. News Reporter- many women do very well reporting the news to their local community.
3. Meteorology and Science- news casters also fall into this category too.
Those three jobs above can help women get on their feet and into a meaning profession they love.
Business degrees will also be a part of the plan to help women graduate from college. There are also talks of estimating how many companies will become a part of helping women get their degrees they want. Currently, we estimate that every woman who does receive a scholarship, will be able to enjoy the benefits of their education. I have listed here the top positions that a woman can expect in 2010-2012 listed from CNN.
1. Systems Engineer
2. Physicians Assistant
3. Nurse Practitioner
4.College Professor
5. IT Manager
These jobs are available to women in abundance in 2010-2012 and beyond. Many women have to make such a plan when going to school. But, with scholarships for moms, it will allow you to keep your same monthly financial plan while in school.

Women's Self-Esteem For Stress...

 Women's Self-Esteem For Stress Reduction, Balance, and Autonomy
In working with women for decades, I've found that self-esteem is the common denominator of many women's issues. With better self-esteem, women are more able to find balance, handle stress, and claim their autonomy.
Universally, women are considered inferior to men, and although our culture is changing, most women suffer from impaired self-esteem, even successful women. Self-esteem impacts our relationships with others and our relationship with ourselves. It affects self-care, parenting, boundaries, and communication. Self-esteem determines the way we allow others, including our children, to talk to us, and how we value and communicate our needs, thoughts, and feelings. It underpins personal integrity, our ability to pursue goals, and is crucial to effective parenting. A mother may praise her child and try to impart self-esteem, but if hers is low, inevitably, it will be revealed in her behavior, and children learn most by emulation.
Balance is an ongoing struggle for women. As individuals, as caregivers, and as earners and professionals, finding balance between our masculine and feminine sides, between the spiritual and material, between work and family, and between personal needs and those of our employers, children, parents, and partners requires self-esteem and autonomy, not to mention time, which there is always too little of. Rather than acknowledging how much they achieve, women typically are self-critical that they are not accomplishing enough at work, as mothers, homemakers, daughters, or in their personal endeavors. They feel guilty when they don't meet their own and other's expectations. The fact is there isn't enough time and energy to go around, but how we think about it and allocate our resources makes all the difference.
Women are used to stress - caring for children while cooking, cleaning, and talking on the phone. Working moms have added stress and it's a greater challenge for them to make time for themselves. According to the latest census, 55 percent of mothers (63 percent of college-educated moms) with infants work. Of mothers under the age of 45 without infants, 72 percent are in the workforce. When I returned home to my children after a stressful day practicing law, I'd park my car outside my house to meditate for ten minutes before going inside. This allowed me time to get centered and transition to parenting. Self-esteem enables women to practice self-care and to balance these competing demands, reducing stress and allowing them to be present to loved ones and any task at hand.
Setting boundaries is vital to reducing stress and finding balance. Women are plagued with the dilemma of feeling guilty when they say "no" or resentful when they don't. They fear loss of the relationship or the person's esteem. Relationship loss is the biggest stressor for women, as is failure for men. The ability to feel comfortable setting boundaries requires self-esteem. When women value themselves, they are more able to claim their autonomy. Autonomy is a feeling of both separateness and wholeness that permits us to feel separate when in a relationship and complete when on our own. Many women complain that they do great when they're alone, but as soon as they're in a relationship or in the presence of their partner, they lose themselves. Some give up their hobbies, friends, career, and creative pursuits. They have trouble transitioning from an intimate weekend to the office, or they can't articulate opinions about things in front of their partner or an authority figure.
Attachment is paramount for women. One reason autonomy is difficult is that girls don't have to separate from their mothers to become women. According to Carol Gilligan, femininity is defined by attachment, and feminine gender identity is threatened by separation. On the other hand, since boys must separate from their mothers and identify with their fathers to become men, their gender identity is threatened by intimacy. (In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development, 1993, pp. 7-8).
Autonomy's opposite, codependency, is common among women. Lack of autonomy and self-esteem can cause many symptoms, such as stress, addiction, domestic violence and emotional abuse, communication problems, worry and anxiety, depression, guilt, and anger. Untreated over time, women's health suffers.
I'll be exploring these issues in detail and how they relate to many problems, such as abuse, self-empowerment, life cycle transitions, health, body image, and sexuality. I welcome hearing any questions and concerns that you'd like addressed in the months ahead.

World Human Rights Day

World Human Rights Day - More Than Mere Celebrations!
The horrors of the Second World War shook the entire world! Besides thousands of precious lives lost, the world witnessed perhaps the most gruesome violation of human rights during the time. In a way the war was a wake up call for the entire world. In 1945, the founding member nations of the then newly formed United Nations came together to draft many radical laws to protect and promote the basic human rights of its citizens. In three years time, in 1948, the combined efforts of these nations paid off when the United Nations General Assembly adopted and proclaimed the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" declaring that respect for human rights and human dignity "is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world." Soon in 1950, the U.N invited all member States and interested organizations across the globe to observe 10th of December every year as World Human Rights Day.
Last year, 2008, marked the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The theme of the campaign was "Dignity and justice for all of us." In commemoration of this eventful year, the UN launched a year long campaign during which all parts of its family reinforced the vision of the Declaration as a commitment to universal dignity and justice and not something that should be viewed as a luxury or a wish-list.
The World Human Rights Day is celebrated with gusto in New York City, the headquarters of the UN and across the world. The day is marked by high-level political conferences and meetings and cultural events and exhibitions with focus on issues. More importantly, it is on this Day that the five-yearly UN Prize in the Field of Human Rights and the coveted Noble Peace Prize are awarded.
What are human rights?
According to the UN, human rights are interrelated, interdependent and indivisible rights inherent to all human beings without discrimination and irrespective of our nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination.
The concept of human rights has many faces. Civil and political is the right to life, and equality before the law and freedom of expression; economic, social and cultural rights are rights such as the right to work, social security and education, and collective rights are the rights to development and self-determination.
Treaties and laws to enforce human rights
All governments across the world countries are obliged to express, guarantee and uphold the basic human rights in all its faces by means of laws in the forms of treaties, customary international laws, general principles and other sources of international laws.

While the core of the Universal Declaration has continued to remain the same that of protecting human rights wherever their violations occur, the social, political, economic and cultural changes over the years has created the need to have a flexible whole new network of instruments and mechanisms in place which is now being recognized and developed to enforce the objective. For instance, in the wake of the economic downturn faced by many of the world countries today, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has been holding conventions and meetings to explore the human rights violations on already marginalized populations in many member countries. It has urged the countries to do everything possible to ensure that the current recession does not affect the rights to work, housing, food, health, education and social security.
Similar conventions are on to assess the scenario due to climatic changes, political coups, water and sanitation issues, conventions to protect the rights of the racism victims, of the disabled, of the victims of torture, of people suffering from poverty and many other such issues.
Human Rights in India
Though the situation in India has improved a lot since independence in 1947, a lot remains to be done. India is one of the founder members of the United Nations and given this status India should have scored better in human rights issues, civil and political, economic, social and cultural and rights against discrimination, but the fact is it has not.
In its annual report on "The State of Human Rights in India - 2008" the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has pointed out, debated, and discussed how India has fared in some aspects of the civil and political rights such as right to fair trial without delay, rights concerning torture, bonded labor, and freedom of religion; economic, social and cultural rights like land rights, right to food, and rights against discrimination mostly the caste based discrimination, the internal security of the country, and equal status to women. The report points out that the apathy and ineptitude of the law enforcement agencies at district, state, and national levels has been one of the main reasons for some of these violations still being prevalent in India.
Custodial torture
On the widespread use of torture in India, the report has pulled up the bad policing in the country and also the lack of interest on the part of the government in protecting, promoting and fulfilling human rights. The use of torture as the easiest way of investigation has created a distance between the law enforcement agencies and the ordinary people.
Bonded Labour
India is one of the founding members of the International Labor Organization (ILO). Despite this and the country introducing the Bonded Labor System (Abolition) Act, 1976 and legislating many other domestic laws concerning wages and working conditions, it is a fact that bonded labor is still practiced in India.
With 70 percent of the population living in rural areas and 35 percent of them in appalling circumstances, the poor people borrow money from the rich in order to meet their everyday basic requirements of food, clothing and shelter. Unable to pay off the debt and coupled with the widespread caste based discrimination in practice these poor people end up as bonded laborers. Here again the various law enforcement agencies have turned a blind eye to the problem.
Freedom of religion
Being a fundamental right in the country, religious freedom is an individual choice. Sadly, it is not so! Today, the scenario is such that the religion determines the security and liberty of a person. Religious violence unleashed in the name of politics, and moral policing is widespread in India. Religion has been misused to jeopardize the right to education, to health, to sanitation and even the right to vote. And the recent terrorist attacks in the country have also spelled danger for some minority communities. The government through its law enforcement agencies has to secure the liberty and rights of individuals. The media too has an effective role to play and not just confine to filming these atrocities on print and electronic media.
The right to fair trial without delay
It is the constitutional obligation of the law enforcement machinery in India including the judiciary system to ensure that lethargy on the part of the police, the state or the center or administrative inability or financial constraints does not delay the justice. We have been witnessing quite a lot of cases pending at the court due to one or several of these reasons and the time to time observation and condemnation of the Supreme Court of India on the need for the speedy disposal of pending cases. After all, justice delayed is justice denied! The State and the Center should look into the drawbacks of this kind and fix it at the earliest.
Right to food, education and health
In a country that is self-sufficient in food production and with substantial food reserves, the basic right to food has not been met. The rights to education and health face similar fate in India. Almost 22 percent of the population still live in deplorable conditions due to acute poverty and hence cannot afford to enjoy the basic rights to nutritious food, quality education and health services. Despite the Ministry of Food's initiatives like the public distribution system, midday meals scheme, government sponsored hospitals, and various other methods in place, a section of the society still do not benefit from it.
The reasons are visible and many: Corruption, caste based discrimination, gender inequality, the indifferent attitude of the various law enforcement agencies including police, courts and administrative neglect, trade barriers and the bottlenecks in internal security and the lack of will on the part of those in responsible positions continue to play havoc on the human rights scenario in the country!
Till all these problems are effectively addressed at the earliest, celebrating the World Human Rights Day will mean nothing! Educating the children and youth on the issue is important. It is a welcome gesture as the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will launch Human Rights Education as a separate subject at the 10+2 level from 2010-11 academic sessions. This will give the children an opportunity to understand, analyze the existing scenario in the country and work towards its betterment.
What you could do!
The UN has outlined the many ways through which the Day could be used an opportunity to create and raise an awareness and help protect your community and beyond. Simple campaigns like distribution of hand notes on human rights or as SMS messages to mobiles, or organizing a meeting in your neighborhood or publicizing the efforts of real-life stories of activists, or submitting petitions to support the rights of a group in your area, all these could go a long way in celebrating the Day in a meaningful way. However, the big change has to come from the government! And we, as responsible citizens have a right to demand this change! It is time for each one of us to speak up for those whose basic human rights are violated. The change has to start today and now.

From a Low Sex Drive........

From a Low Sex Drive to Women Sex Maniac in Minutes!
When you choose to go on an impassioned dinner date at a nice restaurant with your precious lover; why don't you spice things up a notch or two by including a remote controlled sex toy on the menu? For a delectable starter get your hands on a remote controlled sex toy and you will never want to be without it again. Guaranteed! You will turn your low sex drive women into a sex maniac at the flick of a switch.
You will discover that remote-controlled sex toys can transform a Subway Foot long into a delightful five star treat not like anything you've ever tasted before. So you're not a nympho? That's not imperative to utilizing remote control sex gizmos or gadgets. The only thing that you will require is replacement batteries for the remote control.
There are numerous remotely controlled sex gadgets to choose from. The remote-control panty fits neatly below garments just like normal underwear and is utterly seamless. This amazing sex toy will have you praying for more and without a doubt ready for play. Oh what heavenly pleasure! And a tasty sweet dessert hasn't even arrived yet!
For an extraordinary night of fantasy, role play and horny lovemaking you cannot pass by starting your night out with a hands free sex toy doing its thing in the course of dinner.
The game really starts getting interesting during dinner with your better half squirming through strikes of immense pleasure as the waiter is explaining what is on the menu. Imagine the struggle taking a mouthful of chocolate mousse with a fresh new sensation that's now added to the menu.
By the time your meal is over and it's time to pay the bill; your lovely partner will hardly be able to stand as her knees will be buckling caused by the stimulation that's going on a little higher up. Your lady will certainly smile lovingly at you, relishing in the knowledge that the game is a sensational sexy secret between only the two of you. Nobody can hear the buzzing sound of the hands off sex toy because most restaurants are very noisey. There is definitely a ever so much more than fooling around playing footsies going on here! You lady is silently and desperately holding back her sex maniac urges until home time.
Regardless of when or where you use a remote sex toy; it will certainly put some sparkle back into your Libido. Whether this sex toy doesn't fix all your marital problems, the final result will still be a fun night of fabulous sexual relations. All thoughts of having a low sex drive will soon disappear.
Sex is great when you are into it. Get some luscious ideas on how to improve your sex life now. M. Bradly from low sex drive obviously knows a few things about sex. Hmm... Lets talk about sex...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Women Small Business..For New Hires

Women Small Business Owners and "Shopping" For New Hires
In 2008, I won a Sams Club Entrepreneurship award through the Count Me In program. Part of the award package included free attendance to the Count Me In Leadership Institute at the Office Depot headquarters in Boca Raton last year. I heard Nell Merlino, Executive Director of the Count Me In program, speak about the need for women owned small businesses to hire.
This year, there have been several articles published related to this topic:
(1) The Work Life Balancing Act, Cindy Krischer Goodman, Miami Herald, September 29, 2009
(2) Women Business Owners: It's time to be called 'boss' by Rhonda Abrams, USA Today, March 12, 2010
(3) Want to Grow, Hire Some Help by Eve Gumpel, WomenEntrepreneur, March 15, 2010
(4) Why are Women-Owned Firms Smaller Than Men-Owned Ones by Sharon G. Hadary, The Wall Street Journal, May 17, 2010
(5) Nell Merlino on What Holds Women Entrepreneurs Back by Karen E. Klein, Bloomberg Businessweek, July 2, 2010
However, I have yet to read and learn what is at the core of the problem. Why are women small business owners less reluctant to hire than men? What is it about us? I think if we can reflect on why we are not hiring, perhaps we would be more inclined to hire.
There is a more pressing reason why women business owners should get on the band wagon. A 2002 study by Richard DeMartino and Robert Barbato entitled "Differences between women and men MBA entrepreneurs: exploring family flexibility and wealth creation as career motivators" (Journal of Business Venturing, Rochester Institute of Technology) cited that women-owned businesses make up 40% of all businesses and women continue to start businesses at twice the rate of men.
The Kauffman Foundation released July 2010 study findings by Dr. Tim Kane that concluded that when it comes to creating new jobs, startup companies are the source. The study is entitled "The Importance of Startups in Job Creation and Job Destruction". We can look at it this way - if women did not start new businesses, women would not contribute to the very source of new job creation.
Mark Levit, Managing Partner of Partners & Levit Advertising and a Professor of Marketing at New York University wrote an article entitled "The Difference between Men and Women" with a focus on how marketers can strategize to appeal to women. Well, why not look at these differences and apply them to the question of why women are business owners are reluctant to hire. Here goes...
Mark Levit cited a University of Wisconsin study which found that:
(1) Women notice and recall 70% more detail in their environments than do men.
This may explain why it might take women longer to come around to hiring. Perhaps women business owners are too detailed oriented and get bogged down in the details. They would then be slower to hire.
(2) Men tend to see life as a series of contests they must conquer to maintain personal status.
Perhaps women small business owners are less competitive and less interested in boosting their personal status. Women business owners may be motivated less by competition and more by creating a nurturing environment - rather than expanding and profiting more. DeMartino and Barbato found that a higher proportion of women become entrepreneurs in order to balance work and family and a higher proportion of men do so to seek wealth creation and personal economic advancement.
(3) Women have a greater affinity for shopping.
Perhaps women business owners should think of hiring as shopping for help. If women business owners looked at hiring as a shopping extravaganza, then maybe hiring would be a more pleasurable experience.
(4) Women take pride in their ability to shop skillfully, prudently, and well. Women tend to evaluate the pros and cons of every purchase. Men make impulse purchases. No coupons. No lists.
Mark Levit cited British psychologist David Lewis' study which explained the nature-over-nurture concept that prehistoric women are "homebound gatherers of roots, nuts, and berries, rather than roaming hunters of game". Now, we are back to the dilemma of getting bogged down in details. It takes more time to be more skillfully, prudently, and well. Perhaps women business owners put off hiring until they are able to be trained in how to properly hire and protect themselves and the work environment they nurture. Are women business owners less likely to just place an ad, interview, and hire? Are they less likely to know how to do this skillfully? What about time? Is the time consumption the problem?
(5) Women want to feel cherished, whereas men want to feel needed.
Perhaps it is the prospect of having to reject poor candidates or having to fire poor performers that prevents women business owners from hiring.
(6) When men shop, it's usually for themselves, when women shop it's for themselves and their families.
Sharon Hadary advocates that women owned firms need to be taught - esp. by other women leaders - to think big from the start. There needs to be a change in the women business owners' mindset. In 2008, Dr. Susan L. Reid wrote an article entitled the "Similarities and Differences between How men and Women Excel in Business". Dr. Reid wrote that one mistake women entrepreneurs make is that they make excuses. Another mistake cited by Reid is that "too many women have a mindset of scarcity when it comes to their businesses. They believe they lack time, money is scarce, and there aren't enough customers."
Having the Right Mindset - Heed to Nike and Just do it!
Remember the 1998 Nike Just Do it ad campaign? ALL women businesses need that competitive, can do attitude.
If women were to take clues from the male mindset, women business owners would:
(1) View their businesses as more like a contest or competition...grit down, compete, be passionate, be determined, and just do it!
(2) View from a mindset of plenty - there is plenty of time, customers, and help.
(3) Not over evaluate and get bogged down in details. I will have a quick strategic plan for hiring (list of tasks to delegate, job description, job ad, job interviews) and hire by set deadlines. I will just do it!
In a very unscientific humorous HubPages article entitled "The Differences Between Men and Women", Ryan Kett jokingly wrote that "Women take 20 minutes to choose food from a takeaway menu, Men will take 1 minute."
It is time for women small business owners to get help. If cash flow is a concern, hire volunteers. No excuses! Just do it!
Here are some daily affirmations for women business owners:
o There is plenty of time. I will manage my time. I will just do it!
o There are plenty of customer prospects. I will go prospecting daily. I will just do it!
o There is plenty of help and if I cannot afford them now, I will hire on commission or hire volunteers! I will just do it!
o I will shop for new hires. I will just do it!
o It is ok to be motivated to grow my business and create wealth because with more wealth, I will have more flexibility to balance work and family.

Particularities of Women Sport Shoes

Traditionally female sport shoes were just one more version of the male shoe but in smaller sizes. Since 2000, manufacturers began to slowly differentiate the female footwear due to anatomical reasons, morphological and biomechanical. First, let us talk about small changes and adjustments more specific to the anatomical and structural differences of the women.
Women need different sports shoes for the following reasons:
• The anatomy of female feet
• The percentage of body mass
• Biomechanics
• The cycle of ovulation
The anatomy of female feet
The female feet have a narrower ankle towards the forefoot than males, if we compare two feet, one male and one female, with the same length, females present a narrower ankle. Therefore, when you put on a pair of man shoes to a woman, sometimes it happens to slip (as known as shuffling) on the heel. This anatomical difference is often the reason behind the ladies buying shoes a few sizes down. They make it not to feel that annoying shuffling. The solution is not to use smaller shoes, buy shoes with the width adjusted and if the shuffling persists, modify the technique of footwear lacing. To properly accommodate the female foot manufacturers began using forms adapted to the specific needs of women, in addition it is common more cushioning for ankle / heel shoes.
The percentage of body mass
Statistically a woman with the same shoe size of a man has approximately 15% less body mass. This implies that the firmness of the mid-sole should be adjusted to the lower weight, allowing the sole to better distribute the shock compression. Less weight means softer mid-sole, as feminine shoes should also have deeper flex channels to facilitate flexibility.

For reasons having to do with pregnancy, women are proportionately wider in the pelvis than men. The angle formed by the line extending from the hip to the center of the knee (patella) and the line that goes from the center of the knee to the tibia, is called the quadriceps angle or Q angle. In literature, the average referenced value of this angle is 11 degrees for males and 14 degrees for females.
The relationship between the pelvis and knee in women, causes differences in sport bio-mechanics, as women tend to attack the ground with the foot more rotated to the outside, resulting in a more intense internal rotation. This increased unstable pronation could increase the risk of injuries. Some manufacturers have this bio-mechanic differences into account. The main implications for the design of the footwear include dual-density unit, a more rounded heel and absorbing viscous-elastic material placed in order to delay the initial rotation of female feet after the initial contact with the soil.
The cycle of ovulation
In addition to structural and anatomical differences between the two sexes, there are also hormonal differences. Intuitively, many women athletes have some sports injuries associated with their periods of fertility.
In late 2000, researchers showed that during the peak presence of estrogen in the body (which functions as a muscle relaxant), the plantar fascia is affected, becoming more elastic, thus influencing the bio-mechanical behavior called "Windlass mechanism". The arch of the foot flattens and the rate of medium-lateral knee acceleration increases, a factor that some researchers suspect to be associated with the appearance of certain lesions.
Given these cyclical bio-mechanical changes, some manufacturers of athletic footwear launched models with deformable materials used on the medial side, which allow accommodating the anatomical differences of the plantar arch caused by these cycles. Additionally, some female role models have a ratio between the heel and forefoot higher (greater wedge), reducing the likelihood of developing certain lesions that are suspected to be associated with the rotation of the knees.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Women, Sports, Menstruation

Women and Sports - The Menstruation Cycle

Why is it sometimes sports women can perform at their peak and yet other days be flat and susceptible to injury? If we take a look at the females menstruation cycle we can get an insight into how to plan the optimum training and competing regime to allow for peak performance.

The average women's menstruation cycle lasts 28 days and in that period 4 different cycles occur. Day 1 is the day menstruation begins (the blood flow) this normally lasts between 3 - 5 days. Some classic symptoms during these few days are - abdominal bloating/cramping, back pain, mood swings and fatigue. So when girls/women are at this stage, training and competing at their peak is a struggle, they may feel uncoordinated, unmotivated, heavy, and no energy. It is important from the athletes and coaches perspective to lighten the load of training and or competition as the likely hood of injury is heightened.

During day 13 - 15 ovulation is taking place and this is the time when the female body is at its peak in terms of performance and increased arousal levels. Research and anecdotal evidence has shown that this is the optimum time to achieve peak performance.

Menstruation also throws up other issues that all women need to deal with like: low iron levels, PMS, Oligmenorrhoea and Amenorrhoea.

Some coaches and older female athletes use the method of tracking their cycles and using the contraception pill as a method of regulating and coinciding when their peak times will occur. For example ensuring that ovulation occurs on our about when a major competition is on. Keeping a track of your menstrual cycle is useful and ideally linking it with your training diary will provide you with an insight into when you personally are at your peak.

Sexually.... Animal Attraction

Sexually Attract Women - What You NEED to Spark Animal Attraction With a Woman

If you have ever wondered what that one thing that was missing when you ended up just being friendly with a woman and nothing more sexual, then you can be sure that somewhere along the way, you did not make her feel the sexual attraction that she NEEDED to feel when she was near you. If you want to be really successful with women, then you have to know how to create animal attraction with her.

You know, the kind that makes her forget ALL of her inhibitions and makes her just want to get wild with you?

So, what if you are not born a natural with women? Can you still make a woman feel that kind of animal attraction when she is with you?

You bet you can.
Here's how:

1. Get the setting right. The setting can be really important to make a woman feel both comfortable and sexual. Most women will feel inhibited in some places, and much less in others. You want to make sure you can get a woman into a more intimate setting with you, if you want to make her feel that raw, animal passion and lust for you.

2. Talk sensually to her. If you don't talk in the right tone, it can have an adverse effect on your ability to seduce a woman. A quiet tone is fine, as long as it still seems masculine. You do NOT want to have your voice sound nervous, whiny, or excited if you want to seduce a woman and make her feel animal attraction for you.

3. Make your move and do it right. Most guys will hesitate when they want to make a move on a woman, and this can kill the mood really quickly. If you want to make her feel sexually charged, then you have to make her go with the moment, and you have to make the move at the right time.

Relationship Advice For Women

Relationship Advice For Women - Showing Your Mother That You Care

The famous English wit, Oscar Wilde, once said: "It is easy to be kind to those whom one cares nothing about." At first glance, it seems like the exact opposite would be true. Yet, we often find ourselves being perfectly polite to strangers and arguing like cats and dogs with the people that we love most, a good example of which can be seen in the hot and cold relationship that we women have with our mother. We love our mothers dearly, and we know that they love us; so, why do we continually find ourselves at odds with them? Generally, our tempestuous relationship with our mother results from the fact that, despite our being adults, our relationship with our mother still plays out according to the hierarchical parent-child relationship that was established when we were children. To totally vanquish this construct is impossible. But there are some valuable pieces of relationship advice for women who want a better relationship with their mothers.

At the risk of sounding defeatist, one of the greatest pieces of daughter-mother relationship advice is to forgive your mother for the ways in which she failed you as a mother. In suggesting that you should forgive your mother for her shortcomings, we're not saying that you're obligated to forgive such things as gross abuse or neglect. Rather, we're suggesting that you lay aside your animosity for her failures that resulted from un-willful human error. Even the most caring mothers make mistakes, and they typically find it very hard to forgive themselves for them. By telling your mother that you don't hold animosity for the things that both of you know should have been done differently, you'll restore positive emotions to the relationship, which will result in less feuding and more quality conversation.

Forgiving your mother for her shortcomings is the most important piece of relationship advice for women who want a better relationship with their mother. But even as you forgive her shortcomings, you shouldn't expect the relationship to be dissolved of its archetypal parent-child frame of reference. In other words, she's still going to voice her disapproval for some of your life choices. As an adult, you're probably going to be annoyed by this, especially since her proclamations are likely to be delivered with an autocratic air. But remember, her attempts to call you on the carpet are her way of trying to ensure that your life is filed with success and happiness. Instead of telling her to buzz off or rolling your eyes as she talks, try to impartially acknowledge what's she's saying and thank her for her input. As with any kind of relationship, a little respect can go a long way.

A third essential piece of relationship advice for women who want a renewed relationship with their mother is to contact your mother as often as possible. As with any relationship, maintaining sporadic contact with your mother will decrease familiarity and, therefore, intimacy. You're mother spent some of her best years focusing on you instead of herself, which means that she'll want to stay apprised of what's happening in your life once you leave the nest. A mother's love is often said to be unwavering, but that doesn't mean that she won't feel rebuffed by your lack of contact. Talking to your mother often is essential to making her feel valued and appreciated, and if you can forgive her for her shortcomings and view her advice with impartiality, you'll end up having a great adult relationship with her.
There's plenty of relationship advice for women that focuses on bettering romantic relationships, but what about that person in your life who's just as significant as your significant other: your mother? Just as with romantic relationships, there's some valuable relationship advice for bettering your relationship with your mother.

7 Tips - How Real.... For Clubbing.. ?

7 Tips - How Real Women Can Dress Sexy For Clubbing.. ?

Do you think that only lean and slim girls have a right to party? If yes, then it's a time to get a reality check and give a new perception to your thinking. Every woman is born beautiful and has a right to party equally as the ones having model like figure. All you need to have is a right attitude. So, if you have any qualms about, what you can wear to a club and look sexy, then read ahead and know the 7 basic tips.

· Be realistic:

Let's get practical. Every woman knows her body type and even her problem areas where she ahs bulk flab. So, if you are size 10, then don't try to get adjusted in size 8 as it will make you appear wannabe to the rest of the crowd. Don't be embarrassed if you are bit over-sized instead wear something, which flows when you move a little. Flowery patterns are a big NO. Its better that you go for a sexy silk linen or lacey dress that can make you look leaner and sexy.

· Choose a comfortable as well as stylish lingerie:

You may be wearing the sexiest outfit for clubbing, but if you have teamed up your dress with a wrong pair of lingerie then it can prove disastrous. Many girls keep on fixing the straps of their bra that makes a cheap scene to witness. If you don't have perky bust then avoid wearing nipple covers. It's better to wear a strapless bra and if you are scared of the idea of your bra falling down, then just wear a transparent bra of perfect shape and size. Lingerie gives the dress a form fitting.

· Panty lines are a fashion faux pass

Remember, you have to look sexy not slutty. Sexy doesn't stand for baring it all and just skin show. Leave something for imagination as well. Wear a low cut dress or top but then pair it with a sexy skirt that is not too fitted. See-through dresses that make your panty lines prominent will make you look like a playgirl.

· Become a head turner with the right set of heels:

Don't even think of wearing flats. As a total fashion disaster, flats make you look fleshy as well as plump. Go for the sexiest stiletto that you have in your wardrobe. Even if the color of your stilettos is in contrast with the dress, it's really okay. High heels make you look slender as well as glamorous.

· Give prominence to your best feature:

So, you better know your best feature and the slightly bad one. If you sexy legs then flaunt them by wearing a short dress or a short skirt and if you have beguiling and mesmeric eyes then do a lot of make up on them by putting up mascara, kajal, etc. This is the best way by which you can actually make yourself a style diva i.e. by highlighting your best feature.

· Accessorize your dress:

Belts, scarfs, rings, earrings, etc, accessorize your dress aptly but don't overdo it. Just wear those pieces of ornaments which are requisite and give a stunning look. Don't wear everything like it is the only and the last chance when you are going out for clubbing.

· Be in sync with the latest fashion trends:

Get yourself updated with the latest fashion trends and wear what is in fashion. There may be many dresses which you must have purchased earlier but it doesn't mean that you will have to stick to them only. Shop for some fashionable and trendy dresses and avoid imitating any body. Have your own style sense.

Apart from these seven tips, one advice that is actually essential to b followed is wearing a sexy fragrance. It means you just don't have to look sexy but smell sexy as well. So, stay cool, relaxed and comfortable while clubbing and you can surely have a good time.